This is news to me but August 2022 marks the 70th anniversary of National Sandwich Month! It was founded in 1952 by the Wheat Flour Institute. I feel like sandwiches are one of those underrated food items. When people ask me about my favorite food I always say pizza, but I LOVE a good sandwich.…
A Day in Grand Rapids, Ohio
One thing about me is I have a great memory. Recently I was having this random flashback memory of driving through a cute town the…
Durham is Brewtiful: Part 1 – Everlou Coffee Co.
Would it actually surprise anyone to know I am currently sitting in Everlou Coffee as I type this? Sipping on an iced Untucked Lounge Latte,…
Two Nights in Virginia Beach
If you know me IRL then you know I am a total birthday whore. I start counting down to my birthday the second the clock…
Black-Owned Restaurants in the Bull City
One of my favorite parts of living in Durham is its diverse community and food scene. I feel so lucky to live within 15 minutes…
Why I Finally Quit Weight Watchers
I want to preface this post by saying that if you are currently on the WW plan, this is not meant to cause any hate…
13 Best Ice Cream Spots in Durham, NC
Summer. What used to be my favorite season has transitioned into my least favorite season the past few years. After being conditioned to love summer…